Friday, December 5, 2008

Hoodia Prime Diet and My Beer Tastes Funny

Today is the second day of my attempt to lose weight without going to a heavy aerobic exercise program. I took the 2 pills before each meal yesterday, they say it might take a day or two for the effect to build up, I might be an exception to this. By lunch time I was not hungry. I ate because the food tasted good, not because my stomach was screaming for food.

Another little note about myself is, I am a functional alcoholic, most days I start on a beer with my lunch. I did that yesterday same as always. For some reason it didn't taste as good as it normally does. This isn't in any of the paperwork for the hoodia prime weight loss program. But, this I do know. If I stop drinking beer it sure would help me accelerate my weight loss . AND it might only be in my imagination. I took the pills this A.M. at 08:30. I just had a wild cherry Pepsi about 10 min. ago. I feel like a ate a whole watermelon in one bite. I can't believe that one soda filled me to the top.

Diet food is not to tasty, it might be healthy, but, I'm not much of a vegetarian. What I am is a secondary vegetarian.------I eat the animals that eat the veggies. ALL Types of them. One of the stories that happened back in Viet Nam was: one of our houseboy's first duties of the day was to start the coffee for us day-shifters before 0630 hrs. One morning I got my first(and much needed) cup of coffee----- it tasted like crap!! I asked him what had happened as his coffee was usually at least O.K. He said "nothing happened he was just cooking "his" lunch." The coffee was terrible, but, the Reticulated Python was Delicious.

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